The JOHDOTON MKO-10 is a radio frequency-controlled controller with magnetic switch for controlling the M and LC Series Wireless Receivers. The on / off receiver models are best suited for use.
For example, the MKO-10 is mounted on a door and its frame so that when the door opens, the controller sends an ON signal to the linked receiver and the light comes on.
The light goes out either as soon as the door is closed or with the Auto-off function after a delay of 2 to 20 minutes, regardless of whether the door is closed or not. The desired function can be selected from the controller timer.
Compatibility: Wireless M and LC Series receivers
Range: approx. 30 meters in accessible mode
Battery: CR2032, 3V Lithium (included)
Operating temperature: -10 to +45 C (ambient)
Operating conditions: Dry space
Radio frequency: 433.92 MHz
Dimensions: Electronic part 28x74x17 mm
Magnetic part 15x74x17 mm